Formating text to be a hyperlink

Huh, that’s an interesting idea @Sunskie! I just gave it a try to attempt consolidating that into a single line using replace_2 with_2 but it looks like you need to run the formatting twice at a minimum: once to add the HTML tag and once to swap the curly braces with angle brackets. So this would be a (very slightly) more efficient way of achieving that:

<Set hello>
  <a href="">hello</a>

<Format replace="{" with="<" replace_2="}" with_2=">">
  <Field summary replace="hello" with="{Get hello}" />

Still hacky, so we’ll see what the devs come back with to make it possible to work with tags and templates within Format replace instead of just text strings in a future update. Also just a quick tip: you guys might want to check out this post about formatting your code blocks in Discourse. A bit easier to work with than screenshots :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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