L&L 3.1.3: WP Grid Builder integration

Hi there,

Being a user of WP GridBuilder, i’m curious about this improvement in the latest L&L 3.1.3 update:

  • Add WP Grid Builder integration with Tangible Template widget

I guess it’s a bit early for this new feature to be documented.

Hi Emmanuel,

Since WP Grid Builder doesn’t use the global wp_query system that L&L relies on to figure out its context and didn’t provide any reasonable way for us to work around it, we actually went ahead and added a WP Grid Builder block you can use to select an existing L&L template similar to the one provided for Gutenberg, Elementor & Beaver Builder. The only difference is that you can’t write L&L code directly in WP Grid Builder, you can only select an existing saved template.


Hi Gabriel,

Oh i see, this is a new block for WP GridBuilder (WPGB), to insert L&L dynamic content in a Card layout.
And you say it automatically fetches the context, meaning the L&L template knows which post to deal with in the grid?

If so, it will ease things a lot.
I recently used a L&L template in a WPGB Card and i had to pass the Post ID to the L&L template using WPGB tag {{post.id}}:

[template name=my-template post_id={{post.id}}]

…and in the L&L template:

<Loop type=post id="{Get local=post_id}">
  Code here…

Thanks for your details