Pass template values inside head tag

Hey there,
It seems like they temporarily removed it (the search bar) because there is a bug but they will put it back asap.
However, for your schema problem, I can show you how I added mine using microdata (I’m more familiar with this one)

<li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope
      itemtype="" style="list-style: none;" class="tt-breadcrumb-item text-xs">
    <span itemscope itemtype=""
       itemprop="item" itemid="{Taxonomy=category}">
      <span itemprop="name"><Loop field=archive_term><Field title /></Loop></span></span>
    <meta itemprop="position" content="2" />

And you can simply add this in any template and put it wherever you want it to be displayed. The schema will be grabbed by SEO.

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