Whole structure malfunctioning after update to 3.1.1

My website shows multiple choice questions by taking custom fields and showing them on archive page. Earlier my posts looked like this:

but after update to 3.1.1 it started showing custom fields and post title as follows:

I just downgraded to 3.1.0 and its fine again.

Hi Zakir,

Thank you for reporting the issue. I would like to reproduce the issue on my end to understand what could be causing it. Could you share the code that output what we see in the screenshots?

here is source code:

 <p class="is-meta">
<Taxonomy category>
  <a href="{Term url}"><Term title /></a>
<p><strong><a class="mcqreadheadline" href="{Field url}"><Field title/></a></strong></p>
  <div class="readit read_{Field opok}">
 <If field="op_a" exists>
   <p class="read_option"><Field op_a/></p>

  <If field="op_b" exists>
   <p class="read_option"><Field op_b/></p>
    <If field="op_c" exists>
   <p class="read_option"><Field op_c/></p>
     <If field="op_d" exists>
   <p class="read_option"><Field op_d/></p>
     <If field="op_e" exists>
   <p class="read_option"><Field op_e/></p>
    <If field="exp" exists>
<strong>Detailed Answer: </strong><Field exp/>
  <p class="is-meta">
Submitted by: <strong><Field author_full_name /> </strong> - 
    <a href="{Field url}/#comments">Comment</a>
  <If user_field="name" is value="{Field author_name}">
<a href="{Field edit_url}">Edit MCQ</a>

Thank you for the snippet!

I spent some time trying to reproduce the issue, but unfortunately without any success so far. I think I would need more context about how this is set up on your site.

Something that could be helpful would be to know how this L&L code is added (if it’s inside a template, using a layout, a page builder… etc). It could also help to know what theme you use (feel free to add any other information that seems relevant to the issue).

I have put above code in tangible template and have displayed the same template in elementor post loop grid, which is displayed on elementor archive page with query having included some category terms.

Thanks a lot for the details, that was very helpful.

We were able to reproduce the issue you’re experiencing, and we should provide a fix in the next version of loops-and-logic.

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Thanks. I just updated to 3.1.2 and everything works fine now.