ACF URL field in iframe with Elementor


In one of my websites I have installed the plugin “Custom Content Shortcode” to display a custom field created with Advanced Custom Fields in an Elementor template.

I use the Elementor Shortcode widget to display an iframe. The iframe takes the URL of the custom field, like this:

[repeater iframe_press]
< iframe src=""[link=link_iframe]" width=“100%” height=“600” frameborder=“0”>
[/repeater ]

I want the URL type custom field that I fill in my posts to indicate this URL in the iframe. As Custom Content Shortcode no longer exists, I have installed Loops & Logic, as it says it can do the same as the old plugin. But I can’t find a way to do it.

Could you help me with this?

Best regards.

Hi Bernardo :slight_smile:
This is the equivalent L&L markup:

<Loop acf_repeater=iframe_press>
  <iframe src="{Field link_iframe}" width=“100%” height=“600” frameborder=“0” />

You’ll need to place this in the Tangible Template widget, or add it as a template in the admin and load it using the provided [template] shortcode.

Let me know if this works!

Thank you very much for your help, I have managed to get the iframe to display correctly. But I still have a problem. I have introduced the Tangible template through the Elementor Shortcode widget and it doesn’t respect the width and height that I assign to the iframe in the template. No matter what measurements I put in the iframe it doesn’t change anything. How can I fix this?

Thanks again.

It is now fixed. I have added CSS to style the iframe in the “Style” tab of the template and it is displayed correctly.

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